Wednesday, 15 July 2009


I wish we had stayed as close as we did in sec sch days through our poly/jc days. But im glad we still have the same lingo, frequency and best of all, we laugh chat and enjoy ourselves tog! =)

Chrissy came back from Aussieland on mon. Sorry babe, i was really engrossed in getting the slippers that i wanted to get on with it all. im really glad to have you back in sg for a while at least. SUPPER on tues! =)

After much walkwalkwalk and "decisiveness", dinner at spageddies was good followed by dessert at canele. Awesome food, even more fantastic company! =D heh talk abt the bitching and sharing. YAY. love!

HMPH. Im angry with you calvin phang. spam my blog with "spam"!! "spam!!"
Some people are just anal abt it =PP

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